One may wonder why Dr.Sevigny chose only Nicole for us to write a blog on, well the answer to that lies only with him but I can shed lite on why I think he chose her. I realized very early on that most of the girls competing had very similar traits. I didn’t know it then, but I know it now: They had similar traits because they were all trying to communicate the same message, nonverbally. The message was this: Pick me.
In a beauty pageant, there simply isn't enough time to talk to every girl. Because nonverbal communication accounts for 70% of all the messages, girls like Nicole Hemmer (shown on the left) rely on their nonverbal messages to make an impression on the judges in order to win. In this blog I will analyze some qualities possessed by Nicole and relate them to a few types of nonverbal communication traits.
A straight back and a proud chin both give a sense of attractiveness to a woman. Despite the fact that many people are somewhat aware of this, few actually use it to their advantage (Adler, Rodman, and Sevigny 186). Beauty pageant competitors are among those that do use it. The article describes Nicole as a positive and highly goal oriented person. When we think of someone with these characteristics we generally tend to assume that they have a good posture. It’s not likely that one may find a positive person who is always slouching down looking at the ground. In Nicole’s picture, we can see her proper posture. She is standing up straight with her face looking directly at us as though to say: ‘I'm the girl that you have been looking for and I'm here to win.'
According to Dr. Terry Gaff's blog, a good posture can help in many different aspects
"[good posture] prevents strain and back ache."
"[good posture] prevents strain and back ache."
Click here to read more on his blog.
“The only type of diva that is correct to me to be as a model is somebody who's fierce, somebody who can make someone buy a magazine cover just by the look in their eyes.”
To read more about Banks views on what it takes to be a cover girl, click on this link.
It’s true that looks aren’t everything; however they do count for something. Adler, Rodman, and Sevigny(191) mention that,
“women who are seen as more [physically] attractive have more dates, higher grades, and have an easier time persuading men.”
Fortunately for Nicole, she is already at the prettier end of the spectrum. She is a beautiful girl and even though she didn't win the competition, she still is undoubtedly a complete package.Nicole did take advantage of her physical attractiveness to communicate nonverbally to the judges. We too should take hints from these beauty pageants and realize that society tends to like physically beautiful people. For those of us who have not been blessed with the good looks, don’t worry because there are plenty of other nonverbal communication hints that are just as effective.
Sources -
1. Adler, Ronald B., George Rodman, and Alexandre Sevigny. "Perception, the Self, and Communication." Understanding Human Communication. Canadian ed. Canada: Oxford U P, 2008. 185-194.
2. Christian, Margena. “Tyra Banks: says 'it's a lot more than just looks' to become 'America's next top model' - Cover Story.” BNET.23 May. 2003: 21 March. 2008 .
3. Gaff, Terry. “Good Posture Still has a Positive Effect.” The Posture Blog: Improve Your Posture.22 March. 2008: 23 March. 2008.